Phone Directory 7th Comptroller Squadron COMMAND SECTION Commander CC 3150 Secretary CCS 3150 Fax 4053 Superintendent Super 2080 First Sergeant CCF 8022 CUSTOMER SERVICES Chief of Service FMF 4933 Customer Service FMF 4193 Customer Service Fax FMF 2081 Leave Processing FMF 4220 Separations/Retirements FMF 4115 Cashier FMF 6983 Travel Pay (Not Accounting) 4697 Civilian Pay FMF 6984 Fax FMF 3931 Def Travel Sys (DTS) LDTA 6984 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS (FMA) Accounting LiaisonĀ ALO Chief FMA 2100 Accounting Tech FMA 2582 Accounting Tech FMA 3426 Accounting Tech FMA 2419 Accounting Tech FMA 8854 Fax FMA 5111 FMA Chief FMA 2024 Senior Analyst FMA 2017 Report Of Survey FMA 2020 Budget Analyst FMA 3048 Budget Analyst FMA 2085 Fax (FMA) FMA 3457 FINANCIAL ANALYST (NAFFA) NAF Financial Analyst FMN 3290