Dyess/Abilene Area Code: 325
- AAFES Office/BX 325-696-8996
- ADAPT 325-696-5380
- AFRC 325-696-5999
- Abilene Federal Credit Union 325-691-2399
- Airman’s Attic 325-696-2409
- ALS 325-696-3495
- Ambulance 325-696-4000
- Appointment Line 325-696-4677
- Area Defense Council 325-696-4233
- Arts & Crafts 325-696-4175
- Auto Hobby Shop 325-696-4179
- Awards & Decorations 325-696-5731
- Bank of America 325-690-6220
- Barber Shop 325-695-2089
- Base Exchange 325-692-8996
- Base Operations 325-695-2515
- BBC Housing Office 325-701-9276
- Beauty Shop 325-691-8881
- Billeting 325-696-2681
- Bowling Alley 325-696-4166
- Burger King 325-698-1171
- Casualty Assistance 325-696-5730
- Central Security 325-696-2131
- CBPO/MPS ID Cards 325-696-5724
- Chapel 325-696-4224
- Child Development Center 325-696-4337
- Civil Engineering Customer Service 325-696-4154
- Civilian Personnel Office 325-696-2394
- Claims 325-696-3306
- Class/Training 325-696-3006
- Class Six 325-696-1421
- Clothing Sales 325-696-2502
- Comm Focal Point 325-696-2666
- Command Post 325-696-1921
- Combat Arms 325-696-5348
- Commissary 325-696-4802
- Community Center 325-696-4305
- Corrections 325-696-1566
- Crash Line 325-696-2222
- Crime Stop 325-696-4357
- Dental Clinic 325-696-2304
- Deployment Readiness 325-696-3365
- Dining Facility 325-696-2421
- DITY Move 325-696-2026
- Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate(DAVA) 325-307-7556
- Dorm Management 325-696-4403
- DRMO 325-696-2578
- Dry Cleaners 325-691-9466
- DSN Directory 325-231-1311
- Dyess Elementary 325-690-3795
- Dyess Heritage Center 325-793-2199
- Dyess Lanes Bowling 325-696-4166
- Education Office 325-696-5544
- EFMP – Enrollment 325-696-8146
- Emergency 911
- LE Desk 325-696-2131
- Equipment Rental 325-696-2402
- Evaluations 325-696-6850
- Family Advocacy 325-696-8344
- Family Child Care 325-696-2839
- Family Practice 325-696-3278
- Family Services 325-696-2409
- Finance 325-696-4193
- Fire Dept 911
- Fire Dept (Non-Emergency) 325-696-2486
- First Term Airman Center 325-696-3701
- Fitness Center 325-696-4306
- Flight Kitchen 325-696-8881
- Flight Medicine 325-696-5490
- Flight Physicals 325-696-5345
- Flight Records 325-696-3400
- Flight Surgeon 325-696-5491
- Flower Shop 325-692-5770
- Force Management 325-696-2386
- GNC 325-692-1520
- Golf Course 325-696-4384
- Hangar Center 325-696-4311
- HAZMAT 325-696-5295
- Health and Wellness Center(HAWC) 325-696-4140
- Heritage Club 325-696-2405
- Historian(7th BW) 325-696-2371
- Honor Guard 325-696-5532
- Housing Maintenance 325-793-9800
- Housing Management Office 325-696-2150
- ID/CAC Processing 325-696-5722
- Immunizations 325-696-1788
- Individual Equipment 325-696-4361
- Information Protection Office 325-696-5273
- Inns of Dyess/Temporary Lodging(TLA) 325-696-2681
- In/Out Bound 325-696-2029
- Inspector General 325-696-3898
- Internal Medicine 325-696-1545
- ITT 325-696-5206
- Laboratory 325-696-2301
- Law Enforcement 325-696-2131
- Legal Office(JA) 325-696-2232
- Library 325-696-6873
- Linen Exchange 325-696-3188
- Lodging Reservations 325-696-2681
- Longhorn Dining 325-696-2421
- Main Gate 325-696-2432
- Maintenance Operations Center(MOC) 325-696-1959
- Marine Reserves 325-669-5215
- Medical Appointment Line 325-696-4677
- Mental Health 325-696-5380
- Mesquite Grove Golf Course 325-696-4384
- Military Family Life Counselor(MFLC) 325-320-5580
- Military Pay 325-696-4193
- MPS Customer Service 325-696-5722
- Museum 325-793-2199
- NAF Human Resource Office 325-696-2398
- New Parent Support Program(NPSP) 325-696-8344
- Nutritional Medicine 325-696-4709
- OB/GYN 325-696-4851
- Occup. Exams 325-696-5358
- Office of Special Investigations(OSI) 325-696-2296
- Operator 325-696-3113
- Optical Shop 325-793-1750
- Optometry 325-696-4438
- Outbound Assignments 325-696-3100
- Outdoor Recreation(ODR) 325-696-2402
- Outpatient Records 325-696-4720
- Outreach & Prevention 325-696-8344
- Paging System 325-696-3755
- Pass and Registration 325-696-2432
- Passenger Terminal(PAX) 325-696-6095
- Pediatrics 325-696-3278
- Personnel Readiness 325-696-2205
- Pharmacy Refills 325-696-1585
- Physical Exams 325-696-5345
- Physical Therapy 325-696-5451
- Post Office(Main) 800-275-8777
- Postal Service Center (Dorm) 325-696-2458
- Prescription Refills 325-696-1585
- Promotions and Reenlistments 325-696-4199
- Protocol 325-696-2863
- Public Affairs 325-696-4820
- Public Health 325-696-5478
- Quail Hollow Housing 325-690-6698
- Radiology/X-Rays 325-696-2375
- Recreation Center 325-696-4305
- Relocation Assistance Program 325-696-5999
- Resident Recruiter 325-696-2957
- School Liaison Officer 325-660-8764
- Separations and Retirements 325-696-2389
- Service Station 325-692-6721
- Sexual Assault Response Coordinator(SARC) 325-696-5499
24-Hour Line 325-696-7272 - Shopette 325-692-6721
- Social Actions 325-696-4123
- Taxi 325-696-2265
- Theater 325-696-4320
- Thrift Store 325-696-8203
- Traffic Management Office(TMO) 325-696-1020
- Tower 325-696-2523
- Transition Assistance Program 325-696-5999
- TRICARE 800-874-2273
- Vehicle Management Customer Service 325-696-5173
- Veterans Crisis Line 800-273-8255
- Veterinary Clinic 325-696-3366
- Visitor Center 325-696-2432
- Visual Information 325-696-4820
- Weather 325-696-2524
- Welcome Center 325-793-2199
- Wing Safety 325-696-4520
- Women’s Health 325-696-5432
- Youth Center 325-696-4797